Emma Rankin July 19, Blog 5

It's hard to believe that quarantine for Covid-19 started almost 5 months ago. In that span of time so many things have happened. We have had people die from the illness, the economy has shut down, people have lost their jobs, there have been protests, and there have been riots. But in the midst of the chaos I have seen beauty and hope. My cousin had a baby that is now four months old, one of my friends from Louisiana had her first baby a few weeks ago, people I know have been getting engaged/married, and I have been able to participate in this internship.

The hope is what I want you to look at. I want you to see the good that is being done. It is easy for us to get caught up with the chaos and focus on the world burning. But, when you breathe and take a step back, you realize its just the sun setting. And I know that it is easier to focus on the bad. I do miss being around people. Not even going anywhere or talking, just being in the presence of others. However, through the bad there is good.

That is what God is bringing us at this time is the good. God wants us to have hope in the works that are being done in Him and His children. We see this time and time again in the bible. Abraham and Sarah were in their old age yet God gave them a child. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt, yet God parted the Red Sea and brought them into freedom. Mary was a virgin, yet God gave her a son, Jesus who died for the sins of the world. 

This does not mean to ignore the pain that is in the world. We need to feel the chaos and know that people are hurting. But we also need to see the beauty and know that this pain is not forever. When a woman is in labor the process is excruciating but at the end, she gets to experience her child. Recognize the fire but also see the sunset. And feel the pain of labor but at the end rejoice in your baby. 


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