Ashley - 3rd Post - July 5
As June comes to an end this week, so does Pride Month. Pride this year was a bit different than in
previous years and many parades were cancelled as a result of the pandemic. However, despite our
inability to have a physical representation at this time it is still important to discuss the church’s
relationship with the LGBTQ+ community.
I would first like to begin by discussing Queer Biblical figures. In the book of Samuel, the relationship
between David and Jonathan is compared to the love between a man and a woman and as David
greaves for Jonathan he says “Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of a
woman.” (Samuel 1:26). Perhaps the most well known example of a Queer figure in the Bible is King
Solomon, who was known to have male lovers.
I bring this up in order to highlight the fact that Queer characters have existed within soceity since
the beginning of time. Heteronormativity has skewed the lens through which we analyze Biblically
historical records. This is important because the Church cannot deny the existence and validity of
Queer peoples, as they exist even within our own Holy Text as loyal servants of God; who are
praised for their spirituality.
We must understand that intrinsically Queer people have been at the epicenter of religion since the
founding of the Church. Then we must move forward from that understanding and actualize it
through furthering our inclusivity. This does not only mean creating a safe space for Queer people to
worship. It means ordaining Queer pastors and breaking down the narrative around Queer people -
not as people who need to find to God, but as Her children, living their authentic lives, who seek to
sing Her praises.
Thanks for this reflection, Ashley. Pride month was very different this year. How did you celebrate pride this month? Thanks for uplifting queer biblical characters and the importance of changing the narrative to make queer stories central. We do need to see LGBTQIA+ realities as authentic and true expressions of God's love and intentions.