Ashley - Post 5
This week I would like to talk about the importance of church communities. Growing up, with both of
my parents being pastors, I was perhaps a bit spoiled in the church. I never had to worry about
where I would turn to for my faith because I had two communities who welcomed me with open
arms. I was constantly being overwhelmed with Godly church love.
Both communities offered me something different, as well. My father's church was located in the
town we lived in and therefore most of my friends from school attended service with me. My mother's
church, on the other hand, was about a 20 min drive away. However, I connected with the youth and
adults at that church in a way which made me excited to worship there on Sunday’s.
Looking back, having these two communities in Christ stood as the backbone to my faith. It was
easy to see myself as religious and to ensure that I was committed to the Christian practices when I
had two church communities there to hold me accountable.
Toronto has been a very different experience for me. It has been very difficult for me to find a
community. Over the past three years of living here I have attended five or six different churches, all
looking for the right fit for me. But - none of them have been the right church for me. Although, I do
have to be honest and admit that I have not been strict enough with myself in my practices.
This summer has presented itself as unique. I have felt as if we have all connected very well and
have created our own faith based community despite being online. While I am grateful for this - it
also has made me reconsider what I had assumed a church community had to be. Its possible that
moving forward, church does not have to be physical. PErhaps for me my connection with God is not
thriving in person but may thrive through private practice and connection with amazing people - like
ViaFaith and Alex.
I have not yet fully developed this understanding yet but I know that from this summer, my
fundamental understanding of church has shifted.
Thanks for sharing your church background and for sharing about how you have understood church this summer. I hope that the rhythm of our time together, the openness, the practices and community built push you to find these aspects in other spaces.