Emma Rankin July 12, Blog #4
It is hard to believe that my time at GBCS is more than halfway over. It has been hard being online but I have built up beautiful relationships during my time here. During our devotional time, the EYA interns have been vulnerable in sharing their ideas and who they are. And even though we are all children of God we come from different backgrounds and have different ideas. With our differences, we still listen to each other. This I think is a very important skill to have as people. To listen well is needed by many of us. Not just hear others but to listen to others. And not only to listen to someone so that we can respond but listen to understand and sympathize with those we are having a conversation with. When I actually listen to the EYA's I get to know them and I am thankful for that. I am excited for the next few weeks that I have with not only the EYA interns but also the other staff members at GBCS. There is not much more I can say about this week or that has happened. Thank you to whoever is reading this. I hope that you are having a good day.
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