ViaFaith McCullough-Blog #3
This week I have been reflecting on the power of political advocacy. During these past few weeks, my work at RESULTS has stretched me in many ways. I have learned about U.S. and global poverty, and the historical and current issues that have contributed to an increase in poverty. I am learning how lobbying can work to influence agenda setting, and ultimately which policies make it to the floor. It takes a lot of work to be an advocate. Admittedly, upon entering this program, I had only been introduced to what political advocacy/lobbying was through textbooks and professors. Beyond voter registration drives and occasional protests, I hadn't been introduced to the world of political advocacy. It is much more complex than I originally understood. It takes a team to effectively run an advocacy organization. Everyone plays a significant role to make it function. One of the most powerful roles it the role of the volunteer. It is amazing to the dedication of volunteers. In most cases, they receive no pay and have no incentive other than their passion. Conviction is the word that most commonly comes to mind when I think of the volunteer. Their firm belief that what they are doing matters and will create change. This is inspiring. I really aspire to live a life full of conviction and joy, but I know that this conviction and joy cannot exist independent of my relationship with the creator. It is a birth out of a holistic lifestyle that requires me to see all of people as valuable no matter who they are, where they come from, and what they believe. In this way, my political advocacy becomes a lifestyle rather than a whim I feel I should pursue in a moment of heightened emotion.
Great to see your experience of advocacy! What advocacy campaigns are you engaged in? Volunteers often offer a lot of support and energy, what support do they offer? Unpack this lifestyle element you are noticing.