Ashley - Last Post

When I think about my time working this internship, the thing that stands out to me the most
is how this internship provided me with the opportunity to widen my understanding of the
political sphere. I have known for some time now that I would like to work somewhere in the
political sphere when I’m older, but I wasn’t exactly sure where I would end up or what I
would be doing. In an attempt to protect myself, I did not tie myself to a specific job and
instead I opened myself to anything. 

This internship, instead, has opened my eyes to the many possibilities there are for me in
the world of politics. I could genuinely see myself working for an organization like the
Religious Partnership for the Environment - which combines both my passion for my politics
and my moral obligations to God. I could be happy working as Cassandra and be fulfilled in
my life. 

Thank you all for being a part of my journey this summer. I wish you all well on your
individual journeys and know that God has curated a beautiful path for all of you.


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